I am currently studying Engineering (Communications) at Cambridge (3rd year: 2007).

I dance Lindy Hop with http://cambridgelindy.com whenever I can. Come along if you have time: it's muchos fun :D.

== Academic statement ==
Communications is a subject that I am very passionate about. I believe that good communications systems will reduce *all* common problems to trivial ones. This is why I am involved in Telepathy, and this is why I am studying communications at Cambridge.

== Political statement ==
I *do not* hold the idea that Open Source Software is fundamentally better than closed source software purely because it is "Free". I have just noticed that the Open Source Model often produces software that converges towards more optimal solutions over time. For this reason, I tend to use/develop mostly open source software.

I am looking for a job for Christmas 2007 [vaguely], and for Summer 2008 [definitely]. Contact me if you're interested.

Blog: http://alsuren.blogspot.com

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