I graduated from St. Mary's College of MD in 2007 with a BA in both Computer Science and Anthropology. I use Linux mostly for programing / home office, as well as gaming. I have spent many years in the Linux community both as a power user and troubleshooter, starting with Debian "Sarge". I moved to Ubuntu after the release of Warty, along with the rest of my LUG at the time. I like this community because of its is very active and helpful, which makes it easy to stay involved. I try to demonstrate that Linux (and Ubuntu in particular) is a valid alternative for most tasks a standard computer user would perform, and can even do many things better than Windows. I help people new to the operating system get a foothold and answer questions that come up in the transition from other environments. I would like to help in a longer term software project once I find one that could use someone with my background. In my spare time, I watch anime, play games with my friends and working on my computer setup.

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